var nieuwsnldoc = getHost(); function getHost () { nieuwsnld = "" + self.location.href; nieuwsnld = nieuwsnld.replace(/\./g,"|"); return nieuwsnld; } // resize fix for ns4 var origWidth, origHeight; if (document.layers) { origWidth = window.innerWidth; origHeight = window.innerHeight; window.onresize = function() { if (window.innerWidth != origWidth || window.innerHeight != origHeight) history.go(0); } } var cur_lyr; // holds id of currently visible layer function swapLayers(id) { if (cur_lyr) hideLayer(cur_lyr); showLayer(id); cur_lyr = id; } function showLayer(id) { var lyr = getElemRefs(id); if (lyr && lyr.css) lyr.css.visibility = "visible"; } function hideLayer(id) { var lyr = getElemRefs(id); if (lyr && lyr.css) lyr.css.visibility = "hidden"; } function getElemRefs(id) { var el = (document.getElementById)? document.getElementById(id): (document.all)? document.all[id]: (document.layers)? getLyrRef(id,document): null; if (el) el.css = ( el; return el; } // get reference to nested layer for ns4 // from old dhtmllib.js by Mike Hall of function getLyrRef(lyr,doc) { if (document.layers) { var theLyr; for (var i=0; i 0) if ((theLyr = getLyrRef(lyr,theLyr.document)) != null) return theLyr; } return null; } } document.write('
'); // head document.write(' headlines van het laatste nieuws
');//date // ********************************************* het nieuws**********************************************************